Harmony With Bethany
Creating visual tools & music to empower ALL children for a harmonious journey of growth & learning.
Harmony With Bethany
Creating visual tools & music to empower ALL children for a harmonious journey of growth & learning.
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Creating visual tools & music to empower ALL children for a harmonious journey of growth & learning.
Creating visual tools & music to empower ALL children for a harmonious journey of growth & learning.
This month's theme is All About Love! Gather with other families to sing songs celebrating love, play instruments, explore saying "I love you" in different languages, recognize colors, shapes, sizes, and much more!
I bring the music and learning to you with private classes! Classes will also be catered to your child(ren) and their needs/interests. Accept credit cards, Apple Pay, PayPal, and Venmo.
Hi there! I'm Bethany, and I am thrilled to welcome you to Harmony With Bethany. I am delighted to provide a nurturing space where children with disabilities and their families can discover the power of visual tools and music in fostering growth and development.
I received my undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University in Special Education and went on to get a master's degree in Special Education with an emphasis on Autism Interventions. From there, I've had the incredible privilege of working in the field of special education for ten years. Guiding and nurturing young minds with diverse abili
I received my undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University in Special Education and went on to get a master's degree in Special Education with an emphasis on Autism Interventions. From there, I've had the incredible privilege of working in the field of special education for ten years. Guiding and nurturing young minds with diverse abilities has been not just a profession, but a deeply fulfilling passion. Having a part in my student's growth and accomplishments has continuously inspired me to seek innovative ways to support their development.
Growing up alongside my brother with special needs, I've witnessed firsthand the unique challenges and joys that come with embracing neurodiversity. My personal connection has fueled my dedication to creating an inclusive environment where every child can shine. It has taught me the importance of patience, understanding, and the power of tailored approaches.
Studies tell us how important visual supports are for children with neurodiversity. They aid in bringing structure, routine, and familiarity into their everyday lives. Often, exceptional learners rely on visual cues in order to comprehend and process information.
Think about how visuals help YOU navigate on a daily basis. Road signs, menus, and even the universal toilet symbol. Not to mention, if you're anything like me, without my phone calendar and my GPS, I would be lost 99% of the time!
Now think how you would feel if all our familiar visuals were stripped away, how would we react? With frustration, confusion, and agitation to name a few. In other words, we NEED visual cues, pictures, and words to help us feel safe and comfortable.
We are all different and have our own unique interests! Why not have personalized visual tools too? What specific skills are you wanting to teach your learner? Allow me to create your child's very own individualized visual
I also offer personalization based on your child's interests, favorite colors, characters, etc.
Music has almost magical capabilities in connecting pathways within our brains to help make things make sense. It can elicit feelings and memories. It can calm us, excite us, and motivate us.
I used music every day with my students in my special education classroom to learn, master, and generalize a variety of skills; from functional daily living skills to memorizing the days of the week. I witnessed firsthand how music PAIRED with visuals ignited and fostered communication. Some students went from very minimal verbal skills to having conversations because of the power of music.
Children can learn a variety of skills through songs. Allow Harmony with Bethany to help you put fun and engaging songs into place at home to enlighten and encourage your favorite learners!
There are visual products with song lyrics in my shop to teach an assortment of skills!
Below are two super helpful digital guides that will give you insight to what Harmony With Bethany provides:
First, check out my FREE Visual Victories guide for an introduction to visual tools!
Then, once you have downloaded your visual tool through the store, you can refer to my FREE Implementation Guide for product assembly, as well as tips & techniques for how to effectively implement at home!
Both of these guides are also available for FREE download in the store.
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Includes class schedules, educational songs/activities, and more!